Use this time to go to a Pay 'N Spray to ensure that you don't wreck the vehicle. When there's no one in the car but you and there isn't a bad client, you have no time limit. You pick up A, drop her off, pick up B, drop her off, then pick up A again. The mission consists of escorting two prostitutes alternately to their clients. After 10 successful pimps the pimping mission is complete.
The amount of money earned for pimping depends on the number of successful pimps so far in that round. Occasionally you will have to kill a customer who gets rough. Pimping entails picking up a girl from the corner, driving her to a customer, then driving her to her next trick. Sometimes it is also parked outside the pleasure dome. CJ uses this vehicle during the first mission from the pleasure dome underneath Gant Bridge. Pimping can be accessed when driving the Pimpmobile (a Broadway lowrider). They will sometimes be seen driving around El Corona or southern Los Santos. Sometimes located near the car wash southwest of CJ's house, or outside of Jizzy B's Pleasure Domes.
Can be found near gas station in Idlewood, Los Santos.